Splice On Connector Installation Procedure

  1. Prepare the tools for splicing: heat splicing machine,  fiber cleaver,  jacket stripper, lint free wipes, Acholhol, connector jig, FTTH cable gig, splice on connector
  2. Strip the splice on connector jacket and coating, then clean it.
  3. Put the connector on connector jig, then put it in splicing machine
  4. Insdert the other splice on connector parts properly on the cable, then strip the FTTH cable jacket
  5. Put the cable in jig then strip the coating , clean the fiber and cleave the fiber
  6. Put the cable in splicing machine to match with connector parts to be spliced
  7. Take the splicing part carefully,  heat the shrink tube , take out when it is cold. pull the other connectors parts in right direction to the connector, and wear the connector housing

As to video about splice on connector installation procedure, please refer to link:https://www.linkedin.com/posts/fiberzip_splice-connector-fiberoptic-activity-6823892833724973056-26bD

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